Chaya – Melrose Denim – quad riedučiai


This is a classic looking roller skate at an unbelievable price. Whether you’re buying your first pair of roller skates or you’re a seasoned vet adding to your collection, you will be thrilled with the look and feel of these skates.

A comfortable and supportive vegan boot combined with a fiberglass reinforced Aja plate, Octo Propel outdoor wheels (78a, 61mm) and Wicked ABEC 5 bearings guarantees a smooth and comfortable ride. You will look and feel great while commuting to your favorite roller spots, cruising with friends or dancing long into the night.

39 dydžio paduko ilgis 235 mm. Jūsų pėda turėtų būti apie 2-4 mm mažesnė.

Batas: aukšto aulo
Stabdis: klasikinis priekinis, užapvalintos formos
Vidpadžiai: plonas EVA
Užsegimai ir tvirtinimas: raišteliai
Rėmas: Chaya Aja, aliumininis, 228 mm ilgio
Ašys: 10 laipsnių kampu
Ratukai: Octo Propel, 61 mm diametro, 38 mm pločio, 78A kietumo
Guoliai: Wicked ABEC 5

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